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Migrate from Confluence to XWiki

Supported Macros

When migrating from Confluence to XWiki, you will need to confirm that the identical macro exists in XWiki. This ensures that the pages that use Confluence macros and you import are displayed identically on the XWiki side. The majority of the macros you have been using in Confluence already have an equivalent in XWiki, but some may not. To ensure your team has a smooth migration process, we gathered a transparent, comprehensive and easy-to-follow comparison between commonly used Confluence macros and their alternatives in XWiki.
Confluence MacroIs migration supportedXWiki MacroAdditional info
 childrenYesChildrenThe basic version of the macro is available. Some parameters may be missing.
 recently-updatedYesRecently updated
 contentbylabelYes Content by label
 view fileYesView File
 page treeYesPage tree
 tasks report macroYesTask Manager Pro
 list labelsNo
 blog postsNo Blog Application can be used as an alternative.
 create from templateNo The functionality is included in the standard «Create» wizard of XWiki.
 page tree searchYes Document tree and children macros can be used as an alternative.
 excerpt includeYesExcerpt include
 viewxlsYesView XLS
 viewpdfYesPDF Viewer
 content report tableYesContent report table
 widgetNo XWiki Dashboards can be used as an alternative.
 roadmapNo Diagram Pro can be used as an alternative.
 popular labelsNo Cloud of Tags can be used as an alternative.
 viewdocYesView Doc
 viewpptYesView Ppt
 profile pictureYes User card macro can be used as an alternative.
 jiraPartialJIRAThe basic version of the macro is available. Some parameters may be missing.
 tasklistYesTask Manager Pro
 change-historyNo The Confluence macro offers the same information as the XWiki History panel, which is displayed by default on the page.
 profileYes User card macro can be used as an alternative.
 favpagesNo By default, XWiki comes with the pre-installed Like Application. This enables users to like pages and be able to find them in a directory of ”liked pages”.
 viewfileYesView File
 task-listYesTask Manager Pro
For the macros that do not support migration and that are used on the Confluence instance, the wiki content will be imported, but they will not be displayed in XWiki identically to the Confluence counterpart. In view mode, an error message will appear, while in wiki edit mode, the syntax and content of the macro will be visible. As the wiki content will be imported and stored, if one of the currently unsupported macros will become available in the Confluence Migration Toolkit, the content will subsequently be displayed identically to the Confluence counterpart following the update and introduction of said macro. If one or multiple macros are required, the Client may choose to sponsor the development of those macros. Please contact us if you would like to inquiry about the development of certain macros.

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