Events we've attended in April and May

23 May 2022 5 min read

Written by

The XWiki Team

The months of April and May were marked by a series of events that our colleagues have joined as speakers. Whether online or on-site, we had a blast presenting our latest features, and answering questions about our tools. 

Journées du Logiciel Libre

Ludovic and Clément joined the 23rd edition of Journées du Logiciel Libre, an event dedicated to introducing Free and Open Source software to the general public. They had the honor to share impressions, discuss collaboration, and also hold presentations about both XWiki and CryptPad. You can watch both of their talks below.

Clément Aubin - XWiki comme plateforme collaborative

In this presentation, Clément Aubin discussed the possible uses of XWiki for groups of all sizes (workgroup, association, company), as well as how XWiki can be used to facilitate knowledge management and integrate with various other tools. He also showcased a demo instance and some public instances of XWiki.

Ludovic Dubost - CryptPad : plateforme 100% chiffrée

In this talk, Ludovic Dubost touched on the subject of data privacy and encryption and how there's an increased need for it nowadays, more than ever. Even if cloud services "promise" to ensure the security of data, there is still little to no control over its privacy. Many cloud services use user data to set up advertising-based business models. Others are more transparent, but struggle to effectively secure our data. To combat this, he presented the Open Source alternative and potential solution - CryptPad, our end-to-end encrypted collaborative suite allowing the edition of multiple format documents in real-time

Ludovic Dubost - Comment financer son logiciel libre, sans vendre son âme

In this presentation, Ludovic Dubost shared the methods that have allowed us to continuously finance our Open Source software (XWiki and CryptPad) in the framework of a small SME (XWiki SAS), which has been developing progressively and ethically for more than 17 years, with various approaches ranging from financing through business services, but also through cloud and donations.

Cloud Expo Frankfurt

As is the tradition by now, on May 11 & 12 we attended Cloud Expo Frankfurt, in Frankfurt, Germany. Our colleagues, Silvia and Ludovic, were at the event for both days and had the pleasure of meeting Open Source enthusiasts, discussing privacy, knowledge management, and answering any XWiki-related curiosities. They were also joined by our KnowledgeBase Consulting partner, Steffen Rehfuß. 


Univention Summit

Finally, we ended our tour of Europe events at the Univention Summit, which took place in Bremen, Germany on May 17 & 18. Our colleagues, Ludovic and Clément had the opportunity to meet industry aficionados, share opinions and discuss knowledge management. 


On the second day, they also held a digital workshop, presenting XWiki's Open Source collaboration tools and their benefits for easing knowledge sharing across organizations. In the second part of the workshop, they focused on XWiki's migration capabilities from Atlassian Confluence, following Atlassian's significant commercial changes for on-Premise customers, and showcased various successful migration use cases.


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