Have you heard the latest news? Starting with tomorrow, 21st of March, we will be attending, speaking, and networking at Solution Intranet - RSE & collaboratif, happening in Paris, France.
The event will take place at Porte de Versailles - Pavillon 4.2 from Tuesday, 21st (beginning with 14:00h) to Thursday 23rd of March 2017. You can find us at stand B55. The full schedule and list of stands are now available, and you can obtain a visitor's badge here.
On our behalf, Ludovic will tackle the subject of Couteaux suisses mondialisés versus solutions Intranet & RSE spécialisées locales : comment choisir sans se tromper? Allez, on refait le match!, on the 21st of March, between 11:40 and 16:30, in Salle Voltaire.
On the 22nd of March, he will also be sharing his expertise at: Intranet social/RSE : les mid-managers sont-ils des utilisateurs comme les autres?, in Topos Rapidos from 10:00 to 10:30 and Voici les toutes dernières innovations participatives à connaître - 1ère partie, in Topos Rapidos, from 16:15 to 17:00.
Olivier, our Senior VP Business Development, will be speaking at Comment extraire les connaissances à des fins de réutilisation/de partage et mettre en valeur les compétences dans un modèle collaboratif et social ?- 2ème débat, Salle Voltaire, from 11:30 to 12:45.
On Thursday, the 23rd, Ludovic will hold an atelier, Culture Wiki, comment transformer votre entreprise comme les startups in room Balzac, from 11:00 to 11:45, whilst Olivier can be found at Oui, l’Intranet peut être le socle de l’entreprise digitale!, Topos Rapidos, from 12:15 to 12:30.
Looking forward to meeting you all and answer all the questions you might have about XWiki, CryptPad or our community. Until then, follow us on Twitter (XWiki and CryptPad) where we will keep you up-to-date with our latest developments.